Sony's Treatment of PC Gamers Is It Time for a Change

Sony's Treatment of PC Gamers: Is It Time for a Change?

Sony's Treatment of PC Gamers: Is It Time for a Change?

Sony has a long history of being a major player in the gaming industry, but its approach to PC gaming has left many PC gamers feeling ignored and undervalued. With the recent news of a price hike on several of its biggest games on Steam in certain regions, it's clear that Sony's lack of attention towards PC gamers is driving them away from the brand. Coupled with the mishaps in The Last of Us Part 1's port to PC, it's time to ask whether Sony's treatment of PC gamers needs to change.

Sony Quietly Raises Prices on Popular Games on Steam

Multiple top titles, including Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, God of War, and Returnal, have been affected by the price hike, with different ranges of new costs in various countries. In Argentina, the price has increased from 4199-5999 Pesos to 8499-9999 Pesos. In Canada, the price has gone up from $59.99-69.99 CAD to $64.99-79.99 CAD. The new prices have left PC gamers with little choice but to pay the increased costs or miss out on these popular games.

The older titles have had less of a price hike than some of the more recent ones, but it's still disappointing for gamers who expected the price to drop after five years after God of War's release. It's clear that there is a disconnect between Sony and PC gamers, and it's unlikely to change any time soon.

PC Gamers Frustrated with Mishaps in The Last of Us Part 1 Port

When The Last of Us Part 1 was finally made available on Steam, many users were less than impressed. The game has been plagued with crashing issues and excruciatingly long loading times for shaders, which take one to two hours every time the action-adventure zombie game is started.

One PC gamer who hadn't played The Last of Us since 2013 decided to try the Steam remake, hoping to refamiliarize himself with the excellent story. Sadly, he found himself stuck with ridiculous wait times and discouraged almost immediately. Despite having an RTX 3070, he was stuck on 30fps for most of the time and plagued with constant crashing. It's upsetting to see such a brilliant game have such an awful port to PC, and it suggests that Sony isn't giving PC gamers the attention they deserve.

Implications for PC Gamers

Sony's approach to PC gaming has left many PC gamers feeling left out in the cold. It seems that Sony doesn't care too much about players who don't have a PS5. The company's lack of attention towards these gamers is driving them away from the brand, and it's unlikely to change anytime soon.

PC gamers have been waiting for years to play some of Sony's biggest titles on their platforms, and they shouldn't have to pay exorbitant prices or suffer through technical issues to do so. Sony should take note of the frustration and disappointment that PC gamers are feeling and take steps to address these issues.


In conclusion, Sony's latest move to increase game prices on Steam in certain regions has left PC gamers feeling ignored and undervalued. Coupled with the mishaps of The Last of Us Part 1's port to PC, it's clear that Sony's approach to PC gaming is lacking. The company needs to take feedback from PC gamers seriously and make changes that can benefit both Sony and its PC gaming audience. Until then, PC gamers will continue to feel like second-class citizens in the gaming world.
